Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Week 5

Loose Leash Walking:
With a little bit of training and patience, you'll be able to master the skill and enjoy walks with your dog much more. Loose leash walking is for everyday walks not like heel is more controlled for crowded situations. Patience is key, along with repetition.

  • Stand until your dog sees they can't take you where they want to go
  • Have a close hold on the leash about a 2 food radius between yourself and the dog
  • reward your dag when they are calm and paying attention
  • Don't move or attempt to reel them back in, wait for your dog to return to you
  • say your dog's name and "let's go" and take a step. 
If your dog dashes out to the end of the leash, STOP and WAIT. When your dog returns to you, start over.
your dog will learn that by not pulling, the walk continues. This is a life reward, instead of treats continuing the walk is the reward.

If your dog much like lily doesn't want to walk or refuse to walk, don't be afraid to drag them behind you. It is your choice to go walking and where to. They will get the jest of it soon enough.

While learning this command with lily, I learned many things about what attracts lily and what to expect. Although, walking a few steps then turning back the opposite way may have looked a bit odd, the command in the long run is worth it. Now she walks with no problem, always withing my 2 feet radius.

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